Time & Dimensional Travel through
Water & Mirrors in Movies, TV & Games
Trains & Time Travel
Trains are often used in combination of going into the past, future, or another dimension (North Pole). They may be used to show different tracks of our life that could have been taken.
He has to choose which path to take in life, and it happens at a train station.
In Harry Potter they travel to another dimension through a column / pillar at the train station.
In Source Code, the man goes back in time for 8 minutes over and over. In Back to the Future they had to go 88 miles per hour. 8 is representative of time, as it's the infinity symbol flipped on it's side.
The train has to go 88 miles per hour and goes through time, past, present, and future.
Her life changes depending on if she caught the train or didn't. In the movie she lives out both in parallel lives.
The train goes down a steep track (like a waterfall) and lands on ice (more water). It goes through a tunnel, and there's image of the ice cracking open. The train goes from the "real world" to the North Pole where Santa Claus supposedly lives.